April 7, 2020

Making masks more widely available: 

It’s been two weeks since we’ve converted our decoration and fulfillment facility to produce face masks. Over the course of that time we’ve continued to improve the masks we’re producing to a three-layer mask with a soft adjustable wire in the nose. We’ve also received countless emails, voicemails, and direct messages. The two most common questions we receive are “How can I submit a request for an organization?” and “How can I get masks for me and my family?”

In response to this feedback, our team has been hard at work to make the masks more widely accessible.

OPTION 1: Purchase our Face Masks from our sibling brand, B. Draddy – We’ve made our Face Masks available for purchase online. Whether you’re ordering them for yourself, or sending them to someone in need, you can purchase small quantities of our mask directly on their website.

OPTION 2: For requests of 50 or more, please submit your requests through our request form.

Colors may vary

- The Zero Restriction Family

March 30, 2020

An exciting update:

Our very own Billy Draddy went on Bill Hemmer Reports today to discuss our effort and share how viewers can help support the cause. This was such a colossal effort on the part of our team and recognition like this by the national media is very much appreciated.

Check out the full clip here:

Stay healthy,

The Zero Restriction Team

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March 30, 2020

How you can help: 

We wanted to dedicate a post on this page to our key learnings and helpful resources on how these masks can be made. We are currently producing two-layer masks and have found that the combination of a knit and woven layer is preferred. Cotton also appears to be the best household fabric (sheets and pillowcases are recommended).

While N95 rated masks are the gold standard for healthcare providers and first responders dealing with COVID-19 patients, don’t let that limit your ability to help. We’ve found that there is a huge need for simpler, ‘surgical-style’ protective masks that we have been in production on. Many individuals are being asked to bring scarves and bandanas to work, so a properly fitting mask can go a long way and is more helpful than we initially realized.

Our goal was to make an immediate impact and have been informed what we had met the needs of many. We’re now in development of a more advanced mask that we hope to be able to roll out in the near future. In the meantime, we’re shipping what we can and trying to ramp up production.

Helpful Articles: 

A very helpful and descriptive article with resources for how to make a mask: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-make-face-mask-coronavirus_l_5e78cb2fc5b6f5b7c5483e17

Helpful videos:

We were fortunate enough to be able to retool many of our embroidery machines to streamline production, but here is how to produce a mask on a standard sewing machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=422&v=9tBg0Os5FWQ&feature=emb_title

Here's a breakdown of materials and their effectiveness: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/best-materials-make-diy-face-mask-virus/

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March 27, 2020

An exciting update:

On Thursday, March 26th we received approval on our prototype protective masks and promptly turned on our production. The first 1000 we produce will be distributed to local fire and police departments, who are fighting this pandemic on the front line.

This was a massive effort on the part of our Design, Production, and Operations teams and we’d like to take a moment to thank them for their resiliency and resourcefulness in this effort. We’d also like to thank the local Office of Emergency Management in Iowa County for their fast work in getting this approval.

We will continue to provide updates as they’re available.

If you or someone you know is looking for ways to help with the mask shortage, here's a helpful resource to get started.


Stay healthy,

The Zero Restriction Team

•  Check out our other brands involved in this effort: B. Draddy | Fairway & Greene | EP New York  •

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March 24, 2020

An update on our efforts: 

Our primary goal as we collectively work through these challenging times is the safety and well-being of our team members and we continue to take every precaution to ensure that outcome above everything else. We have additionally adopted a company-wide perspective to look for opportunities when we encounter difficulties – both internally and externally – in this journey. Over the last couple of weeks, we, along with everyone else, became aware of the nationwide shortage of vital hospital equipment, like surgical masks, and we further learned there is a particular shortage in Wisconsin where our facility is located. It then occurred to us that we are particularly good at designing and creating performance apparel – which is essentially what a surgical mask is – and that we might be able to help address the growing scarcity of these protective masks.

Over the course of just a few days our Creative Director developed our first prototype using a disassembled polo, and we are now working on obtaining the necessary approvals through the local Office of Emergency Management. In order to expedite the process, we are initially using existing inventory as a resource for fabric to prevent delays associated with sourcing of new materials which we have also ordered. Our goal for the next couple of days is to finalize an approved prototype(s) and begin to scale production in order to assist local hospitals in Wisconsin.

We’d also like to take a moment to recognize the effort from our team in Wisconsin for their hard work, resourcefulness, and resiliency. This is new for all of us, but it feels good to start playing offense as we, both as a company and society, combat this pandemic together.

We will continue to update this page with any progress on this effort.


Stay healthy,

The Zero Restriction Team

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March 20, 2020

To our community:

We’ve been monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak as a company for the last several months. In light of recent weeks, it is important for us to provide you, our community, with our priorities as a business.

For us, this industry goes beyond clothing and golf. It’s the relationships we have we have nurtured over the last 30 years that have sustained us and have become the foundation for our business. Over the last few weeks we have prioritized the health of our team, whose resourcefulness and resiliency has been a silver lining during this pandemic. We’ve asked our HQ employees to work remotely and have ensured our fulfillment center is able to safely continue order fulfillment.

There’s no doubt, we’re in unprecedented times and the uncertainty can induce anxiety. If you’re looking for a break from the news cycle, we have and will continue on with our regular online and social media content. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter to engage with us and to see how we’ve been keeping busy.

Be rest assured, we’re not going anywhere and are here to help. Our team is standing by to answer your questions via email, phone, and social media.

Sending hopes for good health,

The Zero Restriction Team